2010 will be held in Wellington from 18 January to 23 January 2010

10 December, 2009

LCA delegates are a helpful bunch

Organising is a lot of fun, partly because we have such a great community. For example, someone took the time to point out how wrong we were in saying that New Zealand power is 240V:
> Technical
> =========
> Please note, the power in New Zealand is 240 volts. If you plan on
> bringing a power board with you, please do not bring one that is
> lower than this (ie: From the USA).

Actually, it is 230 volts +/-6% (ie anything within 216..244 is within
spec). 230V is also the standard in Australia and Europe. The change
from 240V was made in 1997.

Russell S.

So there you have it, 230V +/- 6% since 1997, thanks Russell!

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