If you know Python and are interested in helping to improve the LCA conference management system,
zookeepr, then you can:
look on the bug tracker for low priority / wishlist bugs which haven't been assigned to anybody yet.
Alternatively, we'd love to have others help out in these general areas:
- make it work in different browsers
- improve readability/usability of forms (stylesheet tweaks?)
- add more witty/funny comments
How to get started with zookeepr
Grab the
latest branch from Launchpad:
- Download Bazaar
- Signup for an account on Launchpad
- Identify yourself to Bazaar:
bzr launchpad-login username
- Create a local branch of zookeepr:
bzr branch lp:zookeepr zookeepr.trunk
Then install the latest development version of
- Download the Pylons installer
- Install pylons:
python go-pylons.py my_pylons_python_dir
- Add this shortcut to your ~/.bashrc:
alias pylons="source /full_path_to/my_pylons_python_dir/bin/activate"
these instructions to install zookeepr and its dependencies, then:
- Initialise the environment:
source ~/.bashrc
- Initialise zookeepr (from within your bzr branch):
python setup.py develop
paster setup-app development.ini
- Start the application:
paster serve --reload development.ini
- Connect to your own zookeepr instance: http://localhost:5000/"
- Login using the default credentials: admin@zookeepr.org / password
Yes, the initial setup is a bit of a
PITA. Unfortunately, it's unlikely to change since we are, as you can imagine, currently focusing our energies on
organising a conference :)
But if you want to help simplify the bootstrapping/installation process or if you're keen on improving the developer documentation, we definitely want to
hear from you!